(English-Chinese Bilingual Format)


A sizeable percentage of our insured members speak Spanish, Chinese, Korean or Vietnamese (in that order) as their preferred language at home.

In recognition of that fact, we have translated selected sections of this report into one of these languages.   We are producing a separate Spanish language version of “The Business of Diversity” (“Haciendo Negocios Con Diversidad”) that will also be available for distribution.
鉴于此,我们精选本报告中的相关章节,将其译成上述语言。我们正在编纂《多元化企业》的西班牙语单行本(“Haciendo Negocios Con Diversidad”),这一版本即将发行。

Diversity is not only a core tenet of the Aetna Values, it’s also good business.

“We’re doing this together, in collaboration with Aetna and our broker,” said Tanya Allen, the head of Benefits for the Union. 
“我们与安泰和我们的经纪人并肩携手,共创事业,”联盟利益组织负责人 Tanya Allen 说。

 “By making our employees more aware of health issues, we’re making them better health care consumers.  More importantly, we’re helping our employees change their behaviors and improve their health.”

By reaching out to Hispanic consumers where they live, work and shop, Aetna and H-E-B helped more seniors get the prescription drug coverage they need.
在西班牙消费者的生活、工作、购物场所,安泰和 H-E-B 与他们广泛接触,从而帮助更多的老年人获得了他们需要的处方药保险计划。

Health plan members also can speak directly to a customer service professional in Spanish – or one of 150 other languages through an interpreter.
健康计划成员也可用西班牙语直接与客户服务专业人士交谈 ―― 或通过翻译用 150 种其它语言进行交谈。

The calendar celebrates African American history and achievement and has profiled important leaders in fields such as medicine, culture, business and the arts.  

We have ongoing initiatives to educate health care professionals and our staff, voluntarily collect data, and collaborate with national experts on outreach programs to reduce health care disparities.


Black Enterprise magazine named Ron Williams its 2006 Corporate Executive of the Year.  
Ron Williams 被《黑人企业》杂志评选为 2006 年“年度公司总裁”。

Through our independent charitable organization, the Aetna Foundation, we continue to contribute millions of dollars to programs that improve health care, encourage education and contribute to better communities. 

Since that time, we have awarded more than $14 million to local and regional organizations, including $11 million to organizations working to address disparities in health care among racial and ethnic populations.
至今,我们向地方和区域性组织捐款已逾 1400 万美元,其中向致力于缩小种族和民族医疗差异事业的组织捐款达 1100 万美元。

We have found that doing so is a demonstrated win-win – we receive not only valuable goods and services, but insight into multicultural markets.   

Claudia Mirza believes that the commitment of Aetna toward minority- and women-owned business has been a win-win.  These relationships have significantly reduced costs and increased efficiencies here at Aetna.  By the same token, Akorbi has benefited with increased business and mentoring from a Fortune 500 company.
Claudia Mirza 相信,安泰对少数族裔和妇女所有企业做出的承诺是一个双赢策略。这些关系一方面大幅降低了安泰的成本,另一方面显著提高了其在本地的效益。出于同样原因,Akorbi 也受益匪浅,其业务量进一步增多,并受到一家财富 500 强企业的青睐。

We actively seek out investment partners and business owners who reflect ethnic, racial and gender diversity.  And we have found that such investments are in line with both the Aetna Values and our profitability objectives.  

Our employee networks encourage our people to gather in order to network, develop personally and professionally, identify issues of concern, and provide mutual support, while promoting a company-wide atmosphere of inclusion and tolerance.  

On October 11, Aetna celebrated National Coming Out Day, an ongoing celebration of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. 
10 月 11 日,安泰庆祝“全国公开性取向日(National Coming Out Day)”,这是一个由人权运动基金会举行的庆祝活动。

The New Albany, OH, chapter of AWN sponsored a number of events in 2006, including two visits to the office by a mobile mammography unit; more than 150 women received mammograms. 
2006 年,俄亥俄州新奥尔巴尼的 AWN 分会主办了一系列活动;其中,移动乳腺影像检查部门两次深入办公场所,为 150 多位妇女进行乳腺影像检查。


Aetna’s diversity starts inside our walls. 

“So many management books tell you to identify your weaknesses and try to improve upon them.  This program helped me identify my strengths and capitalize on them.” 

-- Inda Chow 
-- Inda Chow

West Region compliance director 


Aetna has ongoing initiatives to educate health care professionals and its own staff, voluntarily collect data, and collaborate with national experts on outreach programs to reduce health care disparities. 


Aetna strives to recruit and retain a workforce that reflects the diversity we so value in the communities in which we live and work. 

The Business of Diversity 

We Want You to Know 



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