[English Source text below


“A ring or necklace from Wellendorff are two of the most sophisticated pieces of jewelry money can buy.” (Capital)

“Wellendorff fine jewelry is distinguished by quality and craftsmanship.” (FAS)

“Wellendorff jewelry serves as a status symbol, indicating that the wearer prefers the timeless to the fashionable.” (Robb Report)

“Wellendorff is incomparable... With more than a hundred years of traditional knowledge and experience, Wellendorff is devoted to perfection in designing high quality jewelry.”

True values… the secret behind the success of the Wellendorff jewelry Manufacture.

And these true values are lived at Wellendorff through and through:

There is a “true” family at Wellendorff who has been pouring its heart and soul into the vision of creating perfect fine jewelry since 1893.

There is a “true” Manufacture at Wellendorff. Wellendorff jewelry has been exclusively crafted in Pforzheim, Germany for over 110 years. The Wellendorff Manufacture is known for smooth chains, colorful and rotatable rings, and the brilliant W that serves as the symbol for the highest level of goldsmith craftsmanship. Made by Wellendorff, made in Germany.

We did this translation for the high-quality luxury jewelry vendor DivaLure Fashion & Jewelry.



Ring Mocha, 18 kt. yellowgold, diamonds, cold enamel


Ring Truffle, 18 kt. yellowgold, diamond, cold enamel


Ring Caramel, 18 kt. yellowgold, diamonds, cold enamel


Ring Sugarkiss, 18 kt. yellowgold, diamonds, cold enamel


Ring Champagne, 18 kt. yellowgold, diamonds, cold enamel


Ring Espresso, 18 kt. yellowgold, diamonds, cold enamel


Necklace Mocha-Temptation, 18 kt. yellowgold, diamonds, cold enamel

Mocha-Pearl- Temptation

Earrings Mocha-Pearl- Temptation, 18 kt. yellowgold, diamonds, cultured pearls, cold enamel

Silky Trio II, Rondel Champagne

Necklace Silky Trio II, 18 kt. yellowgold, diamond; Rondel Champagne, 18 kt. yellowgold, diamonds, cold enamel

Champagne-Prinzesse, Mocha-Prinzesse

Bracelets Champagne-Prinzesse, Mocha-Prinzesse, 18 kt. yellowgold, diamonds, cold enamel

Diamond Temptation

Necklace Diamond Temptation, 18 kt. yellowgold, diamonds, cold enamel

Champagne Dream

Bracelet Champagne Dream, 18 kt. yellowgold, diamonds, cold enamel



[Simplified Chinese target translation below]

  • “威伦多夫指环或项链是您所能买到的最精美的珠宝首饰。”(Capital 杂志)
  • “威伦多夫珠宝因其质量和工艺为世人所称道。”(FAS)
  • “威伦多夫珠宝是身份的象征,表明佩戴者追逐永恒而非时尚。”(《罗博报告》)
  • “威伦多夫珠宝是无与伦比的……凭借一百多年来对珠宝行业的了解和制造经验,威伦多夫一直致力于设计高品质的珠宝首饰。”(CAAC)
  • 货真价实……这就是威伦多夫珠宝成功的秘诀。
  • 威伦多夫珠宝始终秉承货真价实这一准则。
  • 自 1893 年以来,威伦多夫家族就已开始全身心投入到珠宝首饰的设计和制造之中。
  • 110 多年以来,德国普福尔茨海姆市(Pforzheim)一直是威伦多夫珠宝首饰的唯一产地。威伦多夫制造的首饰链纹平滑、色彩丰富,而且戒指还可旋转,其中的 W 标志则代表着黄金首饰制造工艺的最高水平。威伦多夫首饰,德国制造。
  • 佩戴威伦多夫首饰会带给您真真切切的感受。威伦多夫与其它品牌首饰的区别不仅仅在于价值和设计方面,真正令威伦多夫与众不同的是佩戴首饰时难以用言语形容的独特感受。纯金首饰能保护您的肌肤,带给您如丝般顺滑的感受。


摩卡 摩卡戒指,18K 黄金,钻石,冷釉工艺制造
松露 松露戒指,18K 黄金,钻石,冷釉工艺制造
焦糖 焦糖戒指,18K 黄金,钻石,冷釉工艺制造
蜜糖之吻 蜜糖之吻戒指,18K 黄金,钻石,冷釉工艺制造
香槟 香槟戒指,18K 黄金,钻石,冷釉工艺制造
特浓咖啡 特浓咖啡戒指,18K 黄金,钻石,冷釉工艺制造
摩卡诱惑 摩卡诱惑项链,18K 黄金,钻石,冷釉工艺制造
摩卡珍珠诱惑 摩卡珍珠诱惑耳环,18K 黄金,钻石,人工培养珍珠,冷釉工艺制造
丝滑三件套 II,十四行诗香槟 丝滑三件套 II 项链,18K 黄金,钻石;十四行诗香槟,18K 黄金,钻石,冷釉工艺制造
香槟公主,摩卡公主 香槟公主手镯-摩卡公主,18K 黄金,钻石,冷釉工艺制造
钻石诱惑 钻石诱惑项链,18K 黄金,钻石,冷釉工艺制造
香槟美梦 香槟美梦手镯,18K 黄金,钻石,冷釉工艺制造


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