[This is the English original source content]


Rename a user (title)

An Administrator will need to swipe their finger in order to access menu options to rename a user. The SmartScan assigns a “User #” to newly enrolled users.  To rename a user, select the “Admin” menu, go to “Manage”, scroll to the user you want to rename and press the “Check” button.  Scroll to “Rename” and press the ”Check” button.  Use the “Left” arrow to highlight the first letter.  Now scroll using the “Up” and “Down” arrows to select the letter you want, our users name is Bob.  Then press the “Right” arrow to advance to the second letter and repeat for remaining letters.  Once your user name has been entered. press the “Check” button.  Press the “Check” button again to save your changes.  You have now renamed a user.


To make Admin or Revoke Admin (title)

Administrator privileges are required to make or revoke additional Administrators.  Any and all users can be given Admin status.  Admin status is displayed on the screen with an asterisk.  To make or revoke Administrative privileges to any user select “Admin” and press “Check”.  Any current Admin swipes his or her finger to authenticate.  Select “Manage” and press “Check”.  From the display, select the user that you want to make or revoke Admin rights to and press “Check”.  Select “Make Admin” or “Revoke Admin” and press “Check”. 


To Enable/Disable a user (title)

Administrator privileges are required to enabling and disabling a user.  An example of when you might use this function is with a house sitter.  You could enable them when you go away, and disable them when you return.  Now, lets go through the process to enable or disable a user. Select “Admin” and press the “Check” button.  At system prompt, the current Admin swipes to authenticate.  Select “Manage” and press “Check”.  From the display list, select the user you want to enable or disable.  Highlight “Access Time” and press “Check”.  The screen will display “Always”, “Never” or “By Time”.  Select “Always” to enable or “Never” to disable.  Selecting “Never”, you have now disabled this user.  When disabling a user, a minus sign will show up next to their name.  If you disable a user, you can enable them again if needed at any time without having to re-enroll them again.


To Permanently delete a user (title)

Administrator privileges are required to Permanently Delete a user.  Select  “Admin” and swipe finger. Select “Manage” and press the “Check” button.  From the display list select the user you want to permanently delete.  Press “Check” and the screen will display “Rename”, “Make Admin”, “Access Time” and “Delete”.  Highlight “Delete” and press “Check”.  The screen displays “Removing” and returns to the user list.  When you delete a user from the system completely, you will not be able to enable them to be active.  The user would need to re-enroll to be active and put back into the system.


[This is the Traditional Chinese target translation]



需要管理員滑動手指,才能訪問目錄中的重命名用戶選項。SmartScan 爲新登入的用戶指定了“User #”的名稱。要重命名 1 位用戶,選擇“Admin(管理員)”目錄,到“Manage(管理)”,移動到要重命名的用戶處再按“Check(確定)”按鈕。移動到“Rename(重命名)”後按下“Check(確定)”按鈕。使用“左”箭頭選擇第一個字母。再移動使用“上”“下”箭頭選擇想要的字母,這裏假設用戶名爲 Bob。然後按“右”箭頭移動到第 2 個字母,其餘的字母均重復此操作。當輸入用戶名後,按下“Check(確定)”按鈕。再次按下“Check(確定)”按鈕,保存所作修改即可。這樣您就完成了 1 位用戶的重命名操作。



需擁有管理員權限才能設置或取消另外的管理員。可給予任何和所有用戶管理員權限。管理員權限在屏幕上以星號*顯示。要對任何用戶設置或取消管理員權限,選擇“Admin(管理員)”並按“Check(確定)”。需要一個當前管理員滑動手指,進行驗證。選擇“Manage(管理)”,按“Check(確定)”。從顯示器上選擇想要設置或取消管理員權限的用戶,按“Check(確定)”。選擇“Make Admin(設置管理員)”或“Revoke Admin(取消管理員)”,再按“Check(確定)”。



需擁有管理員權限才能啓用或禁用某位用戶。可能會用到此功能的一個例子,就是雇傭看家人。您可以在自己外出時啓用,然後在自己回來後禁用。現在,讓我們回顧一下啓用或禁用某位用戶的過程。選擇“Admin(管理員)”,按“Check(確定)”。按照系統提示,當前的管理員滑過手指進行認證。選擇“Manage(管理)”,按“Check(確定)”。從顯示列表上選擇想要啓用或禁用的用戶。選擇“Access Time(進出時間)”,按“Check(確定)”。屏幕上將顯示“Always(始終)”“Never(從不)”或“By Time(按時間)”。選擇“Always(始終)”即爲啓用,選擇“Never(從不)”即爲禁用。選擇“Never(從不)”後,從現在開始將禁用此用戶。某位用戶被禁用後,其名字旁將顯示一個減號-。任何時候都可重新啓用已禁用的用戶,無需再次登入。



需擁有管理員權限才能永久刪除某位用戶。選擇“Admin(管理員)”,滑過手指。選擇“Manage(管理)”,按“Check(確定)”。從顯示列表上選擇想要永久刪除的用戶。按下“Check(確定)”,屏幕上將顯示“Rename(重命名)”、“Make Admin(設置管理員)”、“Access Time(進出時間)”和“Delete(刪除)”。選擇“Delete(刪除)”,按“Check(確定)”。屏幕將顯示“Removing(正在刪除)”,隨後將返回用戶列表。當您從系統中徹底刪除某位用戶後,將無法再啓用此用戶。該用戶需要重新登入後才能激活並放入系統用戶列表中。


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